對保:確認核貸後,將有專員與申貸人進行對保,借貸雙方需核對合約內容,確認無誤後簽名蓋章合約即生效。 Failure to do so “expeditiously�?�?an actual time frame is not really specified �?could lead on to firms needing to pay a significant fine of as many as 10% in their annual profit, and st
對保:確認核貸後,將有專員與申貸人進行對保,借貸雙方需核對合約內容,確認無誤後簽名蓋章合約即生效。 Failure to do so “expeditiously�?�?an actual time frame is not really specified �?could lead on to firms needing to pay a significant fine of as many as 10% in their annual profit, and st